children hands in colors. Summer photo. Selective focus.
Mr. Kleks Polish Saturday School in Accrington


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A book (not) only for the holidays


Our school took part in the project "Books (not) only on holidays" organized by the Matropolia Children's Foundation. Books received through participation in the project will supply our school library and will be gifts for our students.

Grandmother's and Grandfather's Day

Grandmothers' Day - a holiday celebrated to honor grandmothers; on this day grandchildren wish their grandmothers. It is celebrated in Poland on January 21, in Bulgaria on the same day, and in Brazil and Spain on July 26. The idea of creating a holiday in Poland appeared in the weekly magazine "Woman and Life" in 1964. Already a year later the holiday began to be popularized by "Express Poznański", and its main originator was Kazimierz Flieger (d. 1985). In 1966, the "Evening Express" also declared January 21 as "Grandmother's Day." Later, the tradition of celebrating Grandparents' Day was also established.

Competition on Frederic Chopin

Students of our school very actively participate and win awards in the age of competitions organized by various institutions and associations. We are happy that we have so many wonderful and talented students. We congratulate them and wish them further success. We present some of the works from the competition about Frederic Chopin.

Portrait of John Paul II

Students of our school took part in a contest entitled Portrait of St. John Paul II. The purpose of the contest is to honor the memory of the Polish pontiff on the 100th anniversary of his birth.

2nd International Day of Polish Education


On January 16-17, 2021, a scientific conference "2nd International Day of Polish Education" was held, organized by the Polish Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities in London.

On the first day, ten speeches could be viewed free of charge on YouTube as part of the exchange of good practices. Representatives of Polish institutions (e.g., from Kyrgyzstan, the USA, Spain, Italy, France, Scotland and England) shared their educational experience. A lecture "Suicidal thoughts and risk of suicidal behavior
among children and adolescents" was also available on the day.

The January 17 live conference featured ten lectures by specialists from the UK and Poland.

Honorary patronage of the 2nd MDEP was assumed by the Center for the Development of Polish Education Abroad and the Polish School at the Polish Embassy in London. Guests of honor were: the Polish Consul in London
-T. Balcerowski; Prof. J. Bralczyk; Director of ORPEG - A. A. Radecka and President of the Association of Polish Teachers in America - T. Młynek.

 The Director of ORPEG familiarized the conference participants with the tasks of the Center. She pointed out that ORPEG supports activities and initiatives to promote the teaching of the Polish language abroad, including by sending textbooks and teaching materials or training for Polish émigré teachers. The Director also emphasized the professional promotion of Polish teachers introduced in January this year.

 During the event, the results of the Polish School Student of the Year competition were announced, in which dozens of students from different countries and continents competed. Congratulations to all the winners, especially Kasjan and Peter from the Polish School in Cavan! 

The 2nd MDEP was attended by people from Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Germany, Italy, France, Australia, Turkey, Ireland, Spain, Poland, many regions of England and various states of the USA.

 The Polish Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities (PASSH) is a university that considers the development and expansion of knowledge in various scientific disciplines as the goal of its research and teaching activities:

  • Organization of scientific conferences,
  • Participation in international conferences,
  • Conducting and publishing multidisciplinary scientific research,
  • Cooperation with academic centers in Poland,
  • conducting a doctoral seminar,
  • Promoting Polish science, culture and language around the world.




    We are very pleased to announce the 1st edition of the Polonia School Student of the Year Competition.

    The organizers wanted to honor young people who are particularly involved
    in the life of Polish school communities - are successful in Polish competitions, actively participate in school activities, exhibit high personal culture, willingly cooperate in organizing school events, are open to the needs of others and enthusiastically interact in a group, becoming an inspiration to their colleagues from around the world.

    The competition was attended by students of our school. Congratulations to all of them

Polish Christmas tree

Students of our school joined the Christmas campaign
"Dress a Christmas tree with us" and they sent beautiful ornaments!
The campaign was organized by the Polish Education Foundation.
We are pleased to present the result of the project -
Polish Christmas Tree 🎄🎄🎄

Together for Christmas

Our students took part in the Together for Christmas campaign. This is the third edition of the campaign. In 2018, students and teachers from more than 6,000 institutions joined the initiative, and in 2019 from more than 10,000. They organized collections of gifts for the needy, helped seniors in pre-Christmas cleaning, visited the sick and lonely.


Mr. Thaddeus,,, by Adam Mickiewicz, is just a challenge 💪, but the students of class 4b surprise everyone and recite it beautifully🏆.

Lithuania, my Homeland..." - the invocation from "Pan Tadeusz" was sounded in 2014 in Vilnius in as many as 27 languages. In this way, a record was set in the Lithuanian capital for reading the work in foreign languages.

The Invocation in 27 languages - including Yiddish, Esperanto, Chinese, Kashubian and Georgian - was read by ambassadors, diplomats and foreigners studying in Vilnius. The initiators of the record-breaking reading of invocations in various languages in Lithuania were the Vilnius Guides Club and the Polish Embassy in Vilnius.
A great occasion for this was the 180th anniversary of the first edition of "Pan Tadeusz." It was decided to promote the outstanding bard in this way by going beyond the circle of Poles.
The record for reading invocations in foreign languages in Lithuania was entered in the Lithuanian book of records.
The first edition of "Pan Tadeusz" by Adam Mickiewicz was published in Paris in 1834 in two volumes. It is a work that is very dear and close to all Poles, and which was written out of great faith, longing and love for the homeland.
The 7th grade students took up the challenge. Congratulations on the excellent performance.

Ugly duckling

🦢🦢The Ugly Duckling is a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, first published on November 11, 1843
When asked if he intended to write an autobiography, Andersen replied that one had already been written under the title "The Ugly Duckling."
The best-known adaptations of The Ugly D uckling are two Disney cartoons - a black-and-white one from 1931 and a color one from 1939 (the second version won an Oscar for short animation).
The Ugly Duckling fairy tale was also translated into Polish under the title Szkaradny kaczorek.
Class 2 created beautiful drawings and descriptions of The Ugly Duckling .

Krasicki's fairy tales

In grade 5, students learned about fairy tales by Ignacy Krasicki, among others.They learned to recite a selected one.I invite you to watch👍.


🔍🔎Mrs. Agnieszka Nowak from Lancaster Univ. invited our students to participate in an online ⚗⚗ science circle.🔬🔬 Our students very actively participated in the experiments.🧪🧪 As a reward, each participant received a commemorative diploma and a book. 📚📚Thank you Ms. Agnieszka Nowak.Hek

Family tree

At a recent ZOOM class, we went back in time to learn about and talk about our ancestors. The task for those willing to do so was to make a,,, Family tree,,, of their family. We present our wonderful clans.

Mr. Kleks Academy

Ambrose Kleks, Matthew Spike, Adaś Niezgodka... Does this say something to you? Tak☺️ class 4 b read and discussed their first reading of this school year, entitled: "THE ACADEMY OF Mr. KLEKS". And here are the mock-ups and puppets related to the book. You can see that the imagination of the students was strongly stimulated 😍.

Photo contest

FOUR SEASONS OF THE YEAR👧🧑Students took part in a photo contest. 📸📸. All the photos submitted are beautiful and we thank you very much for all of them.

My little homeland

🧭Have you ever wondered what places in Poland you would show a colleague from abroad? What monuments, cities or other characteristic places you would visit to get to know our country better? If you are facing such a dilemma, or if you are curious about what should be on the list of Polish "business cards", then be sure to read the business cards of the students of Class 4.🖼

Learning at home

Learning at home has become one of the challenges faced by parents, teachers and, above all, the students themselves.
It's not easy but we are trying. Introducing our diligent students working at home.

Plastic's diary

📚📚Plastusiowy pamiętnik is a children's work by Maria Kownacka. It was first published in "Płomyczek" on September 2, 1931, and as a book it was published in 1936.In 1980, an animated series was based on the book, directed by Zofia Ołdak, and in 1981 a musical fairy tale, with Irena Kwiatkowska in the role of Plastusia.
Class 1 presents self-made books about Plastusia. 📖📖

Rulers of Poland

Fifth-grade students presented the first rulers of Poland from the Piast dynasty, as well as their achievements and major events during their reign in the form of a family tree or timeline.

Polish Bilingualism Day

Polish Bilingual Day
In October we celebrated Polish Bilingual Day 🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱
By recognizing, appreciating and supporting your activities, with the support of parents and teachers, not only in this action, we would like to strengthen in you the conviction that you have chosen the right path and inspire you to do more.

1. What does knowing the Polish language really give me in the environment in which I live? What benefits do I get from this knowledge? Why is it worth knowing the language?

2. What do I do in my environment to promote the Polish language and Polish culture? Am I active in school or other Polish organizations?

3. What interesting/funny stories, situations related to knowing the Polish language happened to me in the past? What did they teach me?

4. Do I see my future connected with the Polish language, with Poland?

National Independence Day

National Independence Day - a public holiday in Poland celebrated annually on November 11 to commemorate the regaining of Poland's independence in 1918, after 123 years of partition (1795-1918). The holiday was established by an act of April 23, 1937, abolished by an act of the National National Council on July 22, 1945, and was restored by an act during the systemic transformation in 1989. Although we could not celebrate together our students, along with their parents and teachers, celebrated this important day.

Autumn in the kindergarten

Playing outside is loved by all children. For toddlers, it doesn't matter if it's hot, cold, raining or snowing. Children love to play outdoors. Hardly any toddler doesn't like playing outdoors. Movement is necessary for proper development, so take the opportunity. Movement games make them develop a sense of balance, muscle dexterity, precision of movements, dexterity. On top of that, the child will go wild and discharge accumulated energy. It will also improve his health, sleep and appetite. Free, all-around movement is also a way to prevent postural defects. The benefits themselves. Beautiful autumn weather and our preschoolers 🍁🍁🍁🍁.


In *class 3* we read at the highest level, in unusual places and in unprecedented ways.
Applause for creativity.
There was a contest, there were prizes!
Congratulations to all participants for their creativity and great ideas. 💡🦉

National reading of Balladyna

National Reading 2020 Balladyna by Juliusz Słowacki will be the reading of the ninth installment of the National Reading Juliusz Słowacki's Balladyna is an outstanding work of Polish Romanticism. The drama was completed in December 1834 and published five years later in Paris. It was written in exile during a time of discussion of the causes of the recent defeat of the uprising and debates over the common history and future fate of the nation. The poet combined realism and fantasy in this work, focusing on analyzing the attitudes and deeds of the characters. Set against the background of fairy-tale history, the story of two sisters - Balladine and Alina - became very popular. It has exerted a great influence on music, painting or sculpture, and its numerous stagings, produced over the years by outstanding directors and actors of Polish theaters, have enjoyed great popularity. Our school takes part in the National Reading every year. This year, due to the situation, we had to change the form. Class 7, together with Mrs. Karolina, took up this challenge.

The start of the school year

The start of a new school year is an important event for all students and their parents. This school year, due to the pandemic, we had to change the formula for the start of the school year. Meetings were held on September 12, 2020 at ZOOM. We wish students, parents and the entire teaching staff a successful year.

Scientific Circle

Carrying out experiments together can help arouse children's curiosity about the world and the phenomena occurring in it, unleash the passion of young explorers, and above all become great fun. Discovery can be done in all scientific fields, and the process is an independent pursuit of knowledge. Of course, experiment, experience and observation are the tools that first come to mind when talking about discovery. Every child loves to experiment. Doing uncomplicated experiments on your own is not only great fun, but also an opportunity to gain knowledge and discover a passion within yourself. Every opportunity should be taken to show children how colorful the world is. A confident child is more open to the world and learns new things faster. Through science experiments, he begins to see the deeper meaning of learning. He develops the ability to deduce, predict and, above all, ask questions. The child becomes infected with the passion for acquiring knowledge not only from books, but from all around him. Such activities attract not only children, but also adults.
Ms. Agnieszka Nowak from Lancaster University invited our students to participate in an online science circle. Ms. Agnieszka already runs such a circle at the Polish School in Lancaster. Our students are very actively participating in the experiments. We present the results of our cooperation.

May holidays

Flag Day is one of the youngest national holidays. It was established by a resolution of the Sejm in 2004 to promote knowledge of Polish identity and national symbols.
The choice of the day was not accidental and has historical justification. It was on May 2, in 1945, that Polish soldiers from the 1st Kosciuszko Division hung the red-and-white flag on the Victory Column in Berlin. By capturing the capital of Nazi Germany, they contributed to the end of hostilities in Europe.

The Day of Polonia and Poles Abroad - a Polish holiday celebrated on May 2 since 2002, established by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, on the initiative of the Senate of the Republic of Poland - in recognition of the centuries-old achievements and contributions of Polonia and Poles abroad to Poland's independence, loyalty and commitment to Polishness, and assistance to the Country in its most difficult moments.

National Holiday of the Third of May - Polish national holiday celebrated on May 3 on the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of May 3 (1791), established in 1919 and again in 1990. On May 3, 1791, the second constitution in modern Europe after the Corsican constitution was adopted, and the third in the world after the American constitution. It preceded the French constitution, among others. The constitution was passed by the Four-Year Diet, which was convened in October 1788.

Winter 2020

During the winter holidays, a group of students and their chaperones rested in Poland. The week-long trip included skiing lessons, dancing, a trip to the pool and sightseeing. We play for -Travel agency. Marta Kiedrowicz instructor of Slavica Dance and Slavica Kids. Maciek "Gleba "Florek. Delfina & Bartek. AquaCity Poprad. Shepherd's hut on the Biały Potok glade. Murzasichle Ski Station. LIMBA Training and Recreation Center. Ski instructors: Tomek Skurzok and Adam Buzek. Wieliczka Salt Mine.

Visit of Students from Lancaster

On Saturday, February 29, we had the pleasure of hosting teachers and students from Lancaster Universiti's physics department. The students presented some interesting experiments. The classes conducted with great passion and commitment. Students were able to make commemorative pins on their own. We are eager to participate in the next project. Warm thanks to Ms. Agnieszka Nowak and her colleagues.


Our school held a Carnival Ball, where students from grades 1-3 and kindergarten children had fun. There were dances, competitions and many other attractions. The fun was fantastic

Christmas Card

Eager students of our school took part in the inter-school competition Christmas Card of the Polish Educational Society. Among the many beautiful and imaginative works submitted from Polish schools from different corners of the UK, three students of our school were especially appreciated and subsequently awarded: Wojtek, Zosia and Kuba. On Saturday, prizes from the Polish Educational Society were waiting for them. We are pleased with their success and are very proud that the official PMS Christmas Card, and thus 1st place was won by the work of a student of the Polish Saturday School in Accrington

Santa Claus 2019

On Saturday, December 14, 2019, Santa Claus visited our school.

Students' visit to kindergarten

We were hosted by the Outreach Team from Physics Department at Lancaster Univesity. Students from the physics department conducted a class on the solar system.

Workshop training for teaching staff.

On Saturday, November 10, workshop training was held for teachers and assistants from our school, attended by 14 people. The training was conducted by psychologist Aneta Hojol, MA, who is a member of the British Psychological Society. The training was carried out in an attractive form of combined lectures and workshops. The workshops were conducted with activating methods (conservatory, work in subgroups). Such training makes it possible to improve skills and theoretical knowledge in a practical training situation, and, as a result, directly transfer the learned techniques and skills to work with the classroom. The following topics were covered at the workshop: principles of effective teacher-student/teacher-parent communication, work motivation and student motivation in the classroom, the role of authority and building relationships in the group using Positive Discipline. All in all, it was a great training workshop. 

National Independence Day celebrations at the Consulate General in Manchester

On November 9, a reception was held on the occasion of National Independence Day, to which the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Manchester invited representatives of Polish organizations from the North of England. The official part began with a speech by the Consul General, Mr. Leszek Rowicki. We all sang the Dabrowski Mazurka together. At the end, the assembled guests were invited to refreshments, which was an excellent opportunity for Polish activists to talk, integrate and celebrate together this important holiday for every Pole.

Appeal on the occasion of Independence Day

On Saturday, November 9, 2019, our school held a solemn assembly on the occasion of Independence Day. Dressed in red and white, we celebrated this special day by singing the anthem. We joined the #SchoolToHymn campaign and sang all the stanzas of the Dąbrowski Mazurka. Independence Day was also celebrated in classrooms. Children learned about national symbols and colored the flag and emblem.