children hands in colors. Summer photo. Selective focus.
Mr. Kleks Polish Saturday School in Accrington


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Polish Saturday School in Accrington follows a curriculum appropriate for each class, in accordance with Polish textbooks. Our classes develop and enrich children's speech, deepen their knowledge of the world, benefit manual skills and eye-hand coordination, help develop calculation and problem-solving skills, enrich imagination and creativity, and influence students' personal, social and emotional development. 


Children in preschool groups participate in playing and singing songs together, and follow programs designed for children of their age, using textbooks designed for 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds and kindergarten. They discuss many topics that enrich their knowledge of the world and their vocabulary. They learn lots of traditional games and songs: "Our Little Balloon," "The Gleaming Wheel," "Old Bear," "I Have an Embroidered Handkerchief," "One, Two, Three, the Witch is Watching," "There Goes a Train from Far Away," and many others. 

- 2-year-olds: get to know the kindergarten, learn the rules of common play and participate in movement games, with music and with a Klanza sling. They listen to stories and fairy tales. They make their first attempts at painting, drawing and pasting, learn songs and try to sing them. Topics discussed: Seasons, Birds, Geometric figures, Personal hygiene, Theater, Animals, Vegetables, Holidays, Habits, Insects, Colors, Meadow, Fruits.

- 3-year-olds: take part in movement games, listening games, with music, with Klanza scarf and exercise face and tongue muscles. They listen to fairy tales and rhymes, tell stories, learn to clap out different words with syllables, learn to count, paint, draw, stuff, tear out, sticker, glue, Discussed topics: Road safety, Family, Fruits, Vegetables, Seasons, Animals, Holidays and related customs and traditions, Clothes, Mail and letters, Calendar and clock, Birthdays, Fairy tales and fables, Carnival games, Dinosaurs, Plants. 

- 4-year-olds: learn about geometric figures, start global reading, divide words into syllables, check what vowel they begin with, learn about letters and numbers, write on the trace, talk about the rules of cultural behavior, learn about the symbols of Poland, draw, paint, sticker, glue, tear out, take part in movement, listening and music games, listen to stories and poems, and exercise facial and tongue muscles. They sing songs and recite poems. Topics discussed: Getting to know classmates and surroundings, My family, Fruits and vegetables, Seasons of the year, Rules of the road, Homes of people and animals, Representatives of different professions (seamstress, dentist), Technical devices, Vehicles, My homeland, Environmental protection, Health, Holidays, Animals, Sports, Insects, Weather, Colors. 

- Kindergarten (5-year-olds): divide words into syllables, find the place of a voice in words, write letters and words and first short sentences. They attempt to read, count, improve their knowledge of geometric figures, learn the names of days of the week and months. They prepare their hands for writing by doing exercises in a graphomotor notebook, draw, paint, sticky, build longer oral statements, gymnastize their eye, face and tongue. They learn about the national anthem and symbols of Poland, become familiar with the map of Poland and Europe, learn basic information about the European Union, Discuss rules of behavior in the classroom, learn how to cross the street. They sing songs, recite poems, listen to stories, participate in traditional games. Topics discussed: My locality, Environment, Segregating garbage, Ecology, Body parts and senses, Personal hygiene, Seasons of the year, Health, Fruits and vegetables, Family, Holidays, Animals, Traditions and customs, Fairy tales and fables, Carnival, Old times, Day and night, Cosmos, Representatives of different professions (policeman, farmer), My homeland, Books and library, Animals, Meadow and forest, Colors. 


- In Class 1, children learn to write and read in Polish, get to know all Polish letters and binary characters, find out what a vowel and what a syllable is, learn how to form words from letters and syllables, how to form sentences from words, how to ask questions to sentences, how to read text with comprehension and answer full sentences to questions, how to write a plan of events. They learn the order of letters in the alphabet. They discuss readings (one per semester). They learn the names of the days of the week, the names of the months and the seasons. They prepare handwritten and illustrated books, and have the opportunity to create their own puppet theater. They sing songs, recite poems and listen to stories. They talk about Polish traditions and customs. They learn about the map of Poland and consolidate their knowledge of national symbols. They exercise perceptiveness, gymnastize their face and tongue to speak correctly and clearly. They learn the meaning of difficult words, e.g. ornithologist, kamrat or astronomer. They learn about the profiles of selected famous Poles, e.g. Jozef Pilsudski, Adam Malysz, and Europeans, i.e. Leonardo da Vinci or Christopher Columbus. 

- In Class 2, they improve their ability to write and read in Polish, expand their vocabulary, learn about Polish literature, make their first attempts to write short texts on their own, e.g. an invitation, a letter. They learn grammatical concepts: noun, verb, adjective, masculine, feminine, neuter, singular and plural, past present tense, future tense, discuss reading (one per semester). They learn spelling rules, arrange words in alphabetical order, learn what a word family is. They learn proverbs and phraseological compounds, read texts with comprehension, improve correct pronunciation. They have a chance to learn the meaning of difficult words. They learn poems and correct recitation. They talk about Polish traditions and customs, Polish monuments and cities, and learn about the history of the national anthem. They make a model of Biskupin and learn about the history of the beginnings of the Polish state. 

- In grade 3, students deepen their knowledge of grammar learned in grade 2, practice spelling skills, already write longer written statements, using the ability to write complex sentences, expand their vocabulary, participate in discussions, learn about Polish literature, legends, discuss readings (one per semester). They talk about crops and the work of farmers, learn about the life of forest inhabitants, the principles of the food chain, learn about the three states of aggregation of water, In addition, they learn to correctly point out the directions of the world, learn about the continents, countries bordering Poland, know the location of selected Polish cities and rivers on the map. They learn about the structure of the human body. They learn about Polish Nobel Prize winners, find out what the terms: president, parliament, government, parliament mean. They also deepen their knowledge of Polish traditions and customs and holidays. 

- In grade 4 there is already a division of lessons into Polish language, Polish history and Polish geography. In Polish lessons, children learn how to write a characterization of a person, description of an object, description of a place, description of a character, story, letter, invitation, plan of events. They learn new grammatical concepts, e.g. subject, statement, sentence equivalent. They know what related words are and what synonyms are. They learn what an epithet is and what a metaphor is. They learn the cases of a noun. They learn the difference between a single sentence and a compound sentence. They improve their spelling and reading comprehension skills. They discuss readings (one per semester). History takes them into the world of ancient Poland: they learn what history is, they find out how many years a century is and how many a millennium is, they learn about historical sources and maps, they find out what historical-geographical regions Poland is divided into. They consolidate knowledge about national holidays and national symbols. They check how the Polish state was established, how people lived at that time, how castles and cities were formed, what peasants did, what townsmen did, and what knights did. They use the educational platform "History for Polonia". They learn many interesting facts during geography lessons: what is a map scale and hypsometric map, how to use a city plan, where Poland is located, where the continents lie. They learn about the administrative division of the country and the division into cultural regions. They learn which are the oldest cities in Poland and which are the largest, what interesting things to see in Poland and where to go, what Poland has neighbors, what countries lie in Europe. 

- In Polish language lessons in Class 5, they explore Polish literature, learn what myths are, get to know the most famous mythological characters and are able to use mythological phraseological relationships, discuss legends, analyze poems, learn how to write a character description, announcement, summary and report. In addition, they deal with issues of grammar and spelling of the Polish language, so they deepen their knowledge of the language and can speak and write correctly. They discuss readings (one per semester). In history lessons, they discuss the origins of the Polish state, learn about the kings of Poland from the Piast and Jagiellon dynasties, find out what the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was, what wars Poland fought in the 17th century, what the Commonwealth looked like at the time of the last Polish king and how the country fell. They use the educational platform "History for Polonia." Classes on Polish geography introduce them to Poland's lake districts, lowlands, highlands and mountains.

- In grade 6 in Polish, they deepen their knowledge of Polish grammar and spelling, and learn such concepts as aphorism, lyric, epic, drama, narrative, didascalia, prop, placard, among others. They learn how to write an official letter, interview, character evaluation, self-assessment, description of landscape and painting, short story, advertisement, instruction. They learn what a stereotype is. They expand and consolidate their knowledge of parts of speech and parts of a sentence. They learn the meaning of phraseological compounds from the Bible, find out what a phrase looks like, analyze poems by Polish poets, learn about fantasy and science fiction literature. They discuss readings (one per semester). In history lessons, they explore Poland: from the time of the country's fall in 1795, through the national liberation uprisings, World War I, the Second Republic, World War II and the communist era, to the Third Republic and the modern world. They use the educational platform "History for Polonia." Geography of Poland in Class 6 focuses on topics related to Polish rivers and lakes, the climate in Poland, Polish birds, natural resources found in Poland and types of soil.

- In class 7 - 

- In class 8 -