children hands in colors. Summer photo. Selective focus.
Mr. Kleks Polish Saturday School in Accrington


News & Announcements


Dates and events


Registration form


School fees

Safety of children at Mr. Kleks Polish Saturday School in Accrington

The Mr. Kleks Polish Saturday School in Accrington is a school run by volunteers. Sending children to it is voluntary, and the activities conducted by the school are supplementary activities that supplement the child's knowledge of native subjects. Each child attending the school must be registered, and parents must accept the rules and regulations in effect and the principles that the institution follows in its teaching and educational work.
Parents are also required to pay school fees, the amount and timing of which are adopted by the Pedagogical Council in consultation with the Parents' Council.

Health and Safety Procedures
All school employees are responsible for the safety of the school, so they should make sure that the school is a safe place for themselves, children, parents and visitors. Children should assimilate health and safety procedures. They are expected to take responsibility for their actions (depending on their age and understanding of safety issues). Any behavior by children that puts other students and themselves at risk is strictly prohibited.
Mr. Kleks Polish Saturday School in Accrington promotes a healthy lifestyle and a high standard of hygiene.

- All snacks provided to children are in accordance with the requirements of children's diet
- When children prepare dishes for practical classes, adults
try to expand their knowledge of healthy nutrition

High standards of hygiene will be maintained at all times during school hours
- Hands are washed after using the restroom and before eating or touching any food
- Garbage is properly disposed of
- Wipes are available for children in case they need to clean their noses
- Any contamination is removed immediately using rubber gloves
- Contaminated clothing is rolled up in polyethylene bags
- Cleaning products are not kept within reach of children

Outdoor play
Children should be provided with as many opportunities for outdoor activities as possible. Doors must be locked at all times so that children cannot leave the building without adult supervision. Visitors will only be allowed in through the main doors of the school.

Accidents and illnesses
- The school has a first aid kit with equipment necessary for first aid, which is kept on the school premises and regularly checked and replenished.
The first aid kit is located with the main teacher in charge of first aid
- A qualified lifeguard is on the school premises during class time.
- All accidents are recorded in the accident book
- The school does not have access to medication. In the event of illness, the child should be kept at home and the school informed.
- If a child becomes ill, the teacher will call the number on the registration form to inform the parent and arrange for the child to be taken home.
- In the event of incidents requiring an ambulance call, school personnel will immediately contact the contact number on the registration form. The main teacher in charge of first aid will accompany the child to the hospital in an ambulance if necessary

School staff does not have medicines.

- Attendance is checked at the beginning of classes
- Children are supervised both inside and outside the building
- All equipment and toys are regularly checked by school staff to ensure their safety Cigarettes, Alcohol, Drugs
- Smoking and possession of cigarettes and drinking and possession of alcohol are not allowed on school premises
- Drugs, drugs that can be purchased without a prescription, and stimulants of any kind are not allowed on school premises. The school principal may completely exclude from school a child who uses or sells arkotics, even if it has happened for the first time.

Hot drinks
- Hot drinks may sometimes be available during a long break. Drinks may be served to tables by adults while children sit at tables
- No hot drinks may be left within reach of children.

Bringing and Picking Up Children
- Children under the age of 11 should be brought to school accompanied by an adult. Parents or a person authorized by the parent is responsible for the safe arrival of the child at school and for making sure that the child is at school. Parents remain responsible for the child until classes begin at 9 a.m.
- Children must be picked up by their parents, unless they authorize another adult to pick up the child. The parent is responsible for notifying the teacher of the name of the authorized person. Children over the age of 11 may travel on their own, leave the school premises without an adult, unless the parents, after notifying the school, do not agree. Children should be picked up from school punctually at 1 p.m. If a parent anticipates being late, he or she is obliged to inform the school by calling the school number. In such a case, it remains the responsibility of the parent to secure pick-up of the child by another person authorized to do so. If the school does not receive information about the possibility of the parent being late, the teacher or principal will try to contact the parent by phone. If it is impossible to contact the parent, the teacher or principal will contact the persons whose numbers were provided in the registration form. If none of the above-mentioned persons can be contacted, the teacher or principal may contact the police for advice or assistance.

Attendance at the Polish School is voluntary and there is no statutory obligation to send children to the school. However, you should inform the school if your child is absent or if you decide to withdraw your child from school. In the event that a child is absent from school and if concerns arise about the child's safety, the school will contact the parents. If necessary, the school may inform the relevant office of its concerns.

Child registration and permission to photograph
To enroll a child in school, parents must fill out a registration form with their child's and guardians' information. The form is part of the legal requirements necessary for the safe operation of the school. The data is confidential and is not used by the School for other purposes. The School will seek permission from parents to take photos of their children and to record videos during school activities or celebrations, and to publish them on
Internet and on materials about the School (flyers, posters, etc.).

Child Protection
Staff should be prepared for the possibility of child abuse.
- All allegations or reports of abuse are handled sensitively and taken seriously.
- If a child reveals facts that could indicate abuse - physical, sexual or emotional, please inform the director immediately
- If the director is not available, please do not hesitate to contact Social Services Directorate
- Please note that child protection cases are strictly confidential. If you find that the child is convinced that he or she is telling the truth, make the child aware that for his or her safety the information provided will have to be passed on.
- A report with date and signatures should be made before the end of the activity and leaving the school.

Procedures for Children's Behavior and Discipline
To ensure a safe and happy environment for all, we encourage both adults and children to behave correctly. Staff should be role models for children.
Regular discussions will be held with children about behavior. Parents should be familiar with procedures for child behavior and discipline. Staff have initial responsibility for dealing with inappropriate behavior. In case of a child's misbehavior, the staff will consider the following actions:
- verbal admonition (translation and explanation),
- teacher's expression of his sadness and disappointment at the child's behavior,
- temporary withdrawal of the assigned function,
- temporary removal of the child from play
- if necessary, separation from activities for a certain period of time under the supervision of the teacher. It will be explained to the child why his behavior is not appropriate and the reasons for assigning the punishment. It should be explained to the child that it is not the child who is bad, but the way he or she behaves.
The teacher informs parents if their child has been disciplined during class. Parents may be asked to discuss further action for their child if further incidents of bad behavior occur.
Only serious incidents will be recorded in the incident book.
If a child's inappropriate behavior endangers other children or hinders the classroom, as a last resort if the child does not follow instructions, the principal (in writing) will inform that the child cannot continue in school.
Under no circumstances may corporal punishment (spanking, shaking, etc.) be administered to a child.
The use of physical force is permitted only in case of an emergency, to prevent injury to both the child and other children or adults, or to prevent serious damage to property. The teacher should also avoid shouting at children, only permissible to avoid a serious accident.